Monday, May 17, 2010

Off to The International Quilt Market in Minneapolis!
I am sooo excited to be able to go to the International Quilt Market in Minneapolis this year!
I know that I will run into some of my favorite designers.  They are like heroes to me!
They bring all the fresh, new, bright colors of the season for us to order.  
Of course, I hate waiting for them to arrive!
I will be blogging while I am there!  The camera battery is fully charged.  Pics of new finds will appear here!  Check in daily to see what I have found.



You are so lucky Linda to go to the Quilt Market! I will be watching your blog to see your updates.
Have fun!


Susan said...

I am so envious of you being there at Quilt Market. But look forward to seeing your pics and reading your experiences.. Thanks Linda.

Ali said...

Can't wait to hear about Quilt Market from you. Let us know if there are any cool decor lines coming soon :)


steph c said...

I can't wait to see all of the beautiful new fabrics!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Goodness, I just came to your site via a friend. I put you on my side bar so I follow your postings. Love the colors of the fabric. So vivid, Sigh...

Sweet Southern Belle ~ Lynda said...

Oh my goodness, Linda! Can't wait to hear what you learn about KNITS. Anxious to see pix.
ldixon17@bellsouth (dot)net
Sweet*Southern Belle Boutique

happy said...

so exciting, I can't wait to read what you find at quilt market..
Have a great time..

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to the sewing tips. Wish I was there with you!

candycaneboutique said...

Beautiful fabrics. Lucky you that you are able to be there.
Gloria Moll
candycaneboutiqu@aol dot com

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